29 May 2024


Your life did not start yesterday, it does not start tomorrow. It also did not start a year ago or even ten years ago. Your life starts today, it starts now.

15 May 2024


You are mine solely .

You will be my first.

You will be my last. 

You are my only.

21 April 2024


Money is a fraud existing in humanity only to fabricate power that enslaves everyone in our society.

The human mental capacity is limited to money. Everything is set to how to make money, how to spend it and how to save it. You don’t go through a day where thinking about money is absent. Constantly, money is a permanent process in our minds. It is so embedded into our modern American society that it practically enslaves us. 

Money is so sought after that it ruins lives, too little and you’re screwed, too much and you’re screwed; Having it in between and you’re dragged in either direction, screwed. 

What’s the point of living if money is what consumes our thoughts? How can one or all deal with such power that this, money generates?

Dave Le