29 May 2024


Your life did not start yesterday, it does not start tomorrow. It also did not start a year ago or even ten years ago. Your life starts today, it starts now.

15 May 2024


You are mine solely .

You will be my first.

You will be my last. 

You are my only.

21 April 2024


Money is a fraud existing in humanity only to fabricate power that enslaves everyone in our society.

The human mental capacity is limited to money. Everything is set to how to make money, how to spend it and how to save it. You don’t go through a day where thinking about money is absent. Constantly, money is a permanent process in our minds. It is so embedded into our modern American society that it practically enslaves us. 

Money is so sought after that it ruins lives, too little and you’re screwed, too much and you’re screwed; Having it in between and you’re dragged in either direction, screwed. 

What’s the point of living if money is what consumes our thoughts? How can one or all deal with such power that this, money generates?

Dave Le

07 June 2021


God created the cosmos and the all. From us humans to every other creatures, he senses what cannot be seen, our thoughts and our presence. Every molecule and atom, he feels it. Every millimeter of every millimeters, he senses the nothing of nothingness. Including the empty and the void, he can touch, see and understand what we cannot see and understand. God is the almighty. He is all there is and more than we can ever measure and compare, he is impossibly possible in all ways unimaginable because we are only human.

21 December 2020


There is no such thing as really religious, it is called crazy. There's religious and then there is madness

03 September 2020


 Happiness and success is all individualized. Do not compare yourself to others because that will only be your downfall. The American dream is seen to many as linear. Finish high school, go to college, and get a good job. Not every one gets to live this make-shift "American Dream". There will always be other ways to achieve your dreams and that dream may change from time to time. Living a life full of happiness is what people should achieve, not to attempt to achieve the "American Dream" and live a terrible feeling life. Do not live the dream if it only makes you feel terrible. Most find the dream as what most others seek. However the real dream is what you truly seek outside of others views. In this modern American society, it's hard to see outside the "American Dream", because that is how most are raised realizing without a exit strategy or a alternative strategy. Don't follow it if your life is not set in one direction. If one thing doesn't work out, change directions. Don't see one road, visualize and branch out. Success to one should not be seen as success to another. Success is what you make out of it. As one of my favorite artist, Bon Jovi sang; "It's my life, it's now or never. I ain't gonna live forever."

26 August 2020


Black Lives Matter is too large and at the same time, too underfunded. It also happened and formed too fast to have a structural hierarchy; thus it cannot yet be controlled. There are peaceful people who claim to be part of BLM, protesting. There are also dangerous people who also claim to be BLM, rioting. It is civil rights movement of today. This is what happens during these type of movements.


Some say to stay with positive people and avoid the negative people in your life. What if you are the negative person trying to stay with positive but the positive don't want to stay with you? To all my positive family and friends, stay with me and one day I will bring positivity in your life.

19 August 2020


 God gave each of us a heart, the main thing that keeps us physically alive. Yet it is also the heart that is the symbol of love, also the main thing that keeps us mentally alive. 

God would not have given each of us a heart if he didn't know that we can love each other regardless. Regardless of how wealthy or impoverished you are, what racial background you belong to and what problems you resolve or cause. 

God knew we can live with each other, unconditionally and with love. Our heart and the symbol it represents, it the greatest thing that he could ever give.

29 July 2020


Often do I isolate myself from large crowds for no reason; Even if they are a friends or family gathering. Sometimes I would sit down on a chair after a happy day and I suddenly think, " Wow, why do life suck this much." Time to time, I would lay on bed at night and think about ending my life.

Very minimal amount of those will know how I feel. You know who you are. This feeling I can say is impossibly difficult to understand unless that person has gone through the same process as I have in life. Wether it be a chemical imbalance of the brain, trauma through life experiences, or all things possible.

I am diagnosed with major depression, reoccurring with psychotic symptoms and multiple suicide attempts. I'm sorry if I keep away from you. I'm sorry if I shut down in front of you. Those are a few reasons I don't intend but do.

Don't think this is a goodbye message. I just had to let you know that I still care about my friends and family very much and why I am socially awkward and how socially incapable I am. I'm trying, I just don't know how to despite all the support and knowledge I have going for me. I may soon or may not ever figure it out. 

I may not have the life I've wanted. I may not be who you want me to be. Please don't give up on me because I would not for you.

Dave Le

18 June 2020


I'm not smart and I'm not hard working. I only find a select few things I truly enjoy. I pour all my intellectual capability and push my mortal limit as much as I can into them. If there's something I do that I don't have the desire for, my whole mental and physical capacity shuts down and drains in reverse. I cannot control or force myself to do things I have no interest in. People wonder why I don't go to school or work. I'm not lazy, I just can't function like others. My form won't allow it.

23 April 2020


Sometimes the hard way is the easy way.

23 August 2019


She's the definition of perfect in all human possiblities. She's impossibly gorgeous in blown out proportions. Her physical form and mental capacity is infinite in mathematical scale. She's the one and only, the most beautiful one.

22 June 2019


To love God is to love every one else and myself. God created everyone equal and because we are his image. Hating another is to hate God because that other is his image. Hating yourself is to hate God because you are his image.

17 July 2018


Every life decision is a compromise. You negate every other possible outcome with every decision. You may not know it but you trade in at the same time you trade out with every choice. That's just life.

05 February 2018


I'm not the selfish one, those who think so are the ones who are. How can others expect me to live for them if I can't even live for myself.

26 November 2016


I am thankful for everyone good and bad for shaping the way I am today.

31 January 2016


If you want it bad enough, it becomes a need.

17 December 2015


You're beautifully poetic because you're so easy to stare at.

22 October 2015


I can't thrive in the present when I fear for the future. 

29 August 2014


Nothing lasts forever, things will change through time. Just let fate carry you forward when you are lost, and eventually you'll find your place in time.

21 January 2014


I'm happy of where I am today. Although I'm not that happy at all, but it is as happy as I can get. If I were to change a thing of regret, I wouldn't be where I am today, I wouldn't be myself. 

25 August 2013


Life is too short to not want to believe in everything that you've always wanted to believe in. Even if it's something not many people have hopes for, even if it's something that seems impossible to obtain. A little bit of faith, a little bit of hope, and that puts you on the list to possibly one day achieve it. Better to die knowing you believed in something than to die knowing you did not.

12 August 2013


If it was a secret you kept, then it was never a secret. The secret behind a secret is that it is not if it is kept, rather it is just another figment of your imagination. Secrets are meant to be broken and known and that's the beauty of making it a secret.

24 May 2013


If God put you in a world where everything happens for a reason. Then hell wouldn't have existed. If everything happens for a reason then there wouldn't be turmoil on Earth. Thus hell exists. 

20 May 2013


The Lord created us individually to create our own paths rather than to create us through steps in time. He has done so because he knew he wouldn't have created you the way he did if you were created not strong enough to live the way he had imagined, through his own image.

07 May 2013


Positivity is a fad existing to humanity only to mask negativity which is inevitable in standard society.

30 April 2013


What's the point of life when success is all so uncertain. Life is uncertain of happiness but so certain of sadness. The point of living is absolute turmoil when it is uncertainty to obtain happiness after living up to everything life has to offer.

29 April 2013


Don't lose hope in God when everything falls around you. Just that small bit of faith is what makes you stand tall above everything around you.

23 April 2013


If it was a dream that you obtained in reality, then it's not a dream at all. Dreams are something that cannot be obtained in reality but rather it stays in your dreams.